MonstersThis project is a series of handmade collages inspired by the
idea of Maternal Imagination. This concept, common in Europe from the
16th to 18th centuries, linked many cases of birth defects to the belief
that a mother's thoughts during pregnancy could influence her baby's
development, causing congenital disorders. Historical texts show that
people thought a pregnant woman startled by a frog might have a baby
with webbed fingers or toes, or a frog-like head. Similarly, staring at
an image of Christ might result in a baby born with a beard.
this time, any child born with a disability was often blamed solely on
the mother. The theory suggested that women had a greater impact than
men on their children's biological traits. This idea might have been a
way to address the father's role in the birth of a disabled child.
collages visually explore Maternal Imagination, highlighting the
historical and cultural beliefs about the female body during pregnancy
and childbirth in early modern Europe.
Released: 2019-2022
Material: Handmade collage